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Challenge 1 Virtual Competition Rules

Challenge 1 Data Competition Rules

Team Qualification Portal

DARPA Triage Challenge Qualifications Guide

Terms and Conditions – Registration and award eligibility

FAQ – Answers to general questions, and inquiries about funding and triage types covered by the challenge.

RITMO BAA – The goal of the RITMO program is to collect physiology data from a variety of sensors for Track D and E of the DARPA Triage Challenge.

DARPA Triage Challenge BAA FAQ document

DARPA Triage Challenge BAA Amendment – Updated DARPA Triage Challenge BAA closing date to February 27, 2023. Update on human-subject research for DARPA Triage Challenge.

DARPA Triage Challenge BAA – Broad agency announcement for DARPA-funded teams on Tracks A and D.

DARPA Triage Challenge Information Day Slides – PM presentation November 29, 2022.

Kick Off Meeting Slides - November 6-7, 2023 DARPA Triage Challenge Kick-Off Jean-Paul Chretien Day 1 overview DARPA Triage Challenge Kick-Off Jean-Paul Chretien Day 1 concluding remarks DARPA Triage Challenge Evaluation Metrics Overview DARPA Triage Challenge Manikin Capabilities Poster DARPA Triage Challenge Moulage Examples Poster DARPA Triage Challenge Virtual Testbed DARPA Triage Challenge University of Maryland Team Presentation DARPA Triage Challenge University of Pittsburgh Team Presentation DARPA Triage Challenge Human Subject Research DARPA Triage Challenge Primary Triage Scenarios & Datasets

Year One Workshop Qualification Guide

AprilTag Example

Interface Control Documents Challenge 1 Systems Competition ICD Challenge 1 Data Competition ICD Challenge 1 Virtual Competition ICD

Challenge 1 Operations Guide

Workshop 1 Transponder and Emergency Stop Guide